Hotel for Yogis and those looking for tranquillity

Yoga-Retreat in Tyrol

Essentially, you concentrate only on your own breath. At the same time the surroundings of the Hotel Inntalerhof invite you to let your gaze wander: Throughout meditation, breathing exercises or asanas, enjoy the breath-taking views over the Inn valley.

Yogis will find a variety of places to roll out their mat at the Hotel Inntalerhof – whether in our panoramic garden or on our sun terrace. We also offer selected yoga sessions as part of our Mind & Body programme.

Overview of the training details

- Welcome / Introduction / Examination regulations

- Theory Yoga in general

- Relaxation techniques

- Pranayama

- Asanas

- Psychology

- Anatomy / Physiology

- Pathology

- Philosophy

- Mudras

- Mantras

- Meditation

- Focus Practical Lessons

- Specials / Outlook

More information regarding the training and WAY academy can be found under the following link: Yogalehrer-Ausbildung in der Olympiaregion Seefeld in Tirol

Contact & registration for the Yoga Seminar per Telefon:
+43 6131 - 327 45 23

You have already registered?
Then on to the hotel booking!

Register directly with us using the code WAY-YOGA – by telephone or email or using the booing form! Following special conditions apply to you as part of the training:

Overnight stayin a single room at the special price of Euro 90 per night icnl. our feel-good board and the many Inntalerhof extras. Wellness basket in the room with cosy bathrobe, wellness flip-flops and our panorama pool & Alpenwelt spa included throughout your stay.

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